How To Build A Successful Relationship: Apply These Few Tips And Be Happy Again

How To Get A Successful Relationship: Apply These Few Tips And Be Happy Again
How To Get A Successful Relationship: Apply These Few Tips And Be Happy Again
How To Get A Successful Relationship: Apply These Few Tips And Be Happy Again
How To Get A Successful Relationship: Apply These Few Tips And Be Happy Again

Building a solid relationship is what everybody craves for. But having a successful relationship seems to be difficult for most people in the society. To have a good grasp on the topic, it is paramount that one understands what exactly successful relationship is.

In simple terms, a successful relationship is a relationship that has stood up through thick and thin.

OK!  With that being said, allow me to ask you just this one simple question. How can you achieve a successful relationship? The answer is quite simple!

There are basic ways to make relationships healthy, even though each relationship is different since people are are different. These tips apply to all kinds of relationships: friendships, family and work relationships, and romantic partnerships.

In this article, you will be enlightened on the few things to do to build a healthy relationship. Just apply these 10 tips listed below, and see your relationship turn around for good.

1. Build Trust

In any business, relationship, anywhere at all, Trust is the bedrock of love which matures with time. You need to able to accept or tolerate delays without becoming anxious so as to accomplish trust. The truth is that trust makes you open and not unsure in sharing your dreams, fears, achievement, challenges, etc. In order to help your partner understand the real you better, you need to be open, free yourself, trust your partner and let your partner trust you.  Trust goes a long way in building a stable, successful relationship.

2. Be A Good Listener

You will come to agree with me that this is one big problem destroying many relationships. We want to be in control at all times, forgetting that to understand another’s point of view, you need to listen carefully. Listening births understanding which is a very important ingredient for a successful relationship.

There’s a big difference between listening in this way and simply hearing. When you really listen, when you’re engaged with what’s being said, you’ll hear the subtle intonations in your partner’s voice that tells you how they’re really feeling and the emotions they’re trying to communicate. Being a good listener doesn’t mean you have to agree with your partner or change your mind. But it will help you find common points of view that can help you to resolve conflict.

It can’t be said enough: communication is essential to healthy relationships.

3. Be Consistent And Manage Emotions

People whose mood swings from hot to cold have a difficult time creating meaningful relationships. Regardless of how we are feeling, we need to be able to temporarily put those feelings aside to fully listen and engage others that are important in our lives.

If we are going through a period where we are experiencing strong emotions that keep us from being fully present with the other person, we are better off letting this individual know what is going on for us rather than pretending to listen. They will appreciate our honesty and openness.

4. Engage In A Hobby Or Activity Together

To gain happiness and satisfaction in your relationship, you need to work on something that can increase your bond like board games, watching movies, house painting, etc. More so, talk to your spouse about your expectations and requirements in a relationship. Ask your partner questions jokingly in a calm tone if there is any area he or she needs to see an adjustment or improvement. Question and activities like this go a long way in making your bond stronger.

5. Be Supportive

Be supportive and motivate your spouse today and build a stronger successful relationship.

Always motivate your spouse in good and bad times. Give them strength by being supportive in their worst weakest moments and appreciate them as well in their achievement. This is one area that has been overlooked by so many individuals which have resulted in different broken relationship.

6.   Fight fair

Most relationships have some conflict. It only means you disagree about something; it does not have to mean you don’t like each other.

  • Recognize some problems are not easily solved: Not all differences or difficulties can be resolved.  You are different people, and your values, beliefs, habits, and personality may not always be in alignment.  Communication goes a long way toward helping you understand each other and address concerns, but some things are deeply rooted and may not change significantly.  It is important to figure out for yourself what you can accept, or when a relationship is no longer healthy for you.
  • Cool down before talking.  The conversation will be more productive if you have it when your emotions have cooled off a little, so you don’t say something you may regret later.
  • Keep your language clear and specific.  Try to factually describe behavior that you are upset with, avoiding criticism and judgment.  Attack the problem, not the person.
  • Focus on the current issue: The conversation is likely to get bogged down if you pile on everything that bothers you.  Avoid using “always” and “never” language and address one issue at a time.
  • Take responsibility for mistakes: Apologize if you have done something wrong; it goes a long way toward setting things right again.
  • Use “I statements.”  Share how you feel and what you want without assigning blame or motives. E.g. “When you don’t call me, I start to feel like you don’t care about me” vs. “You never call me when you’re away.  I guess I’m the only one who cares about this relationship.”

7. Space

There is an ego in every human likewise a child.  Every individual needs some alone time or needs to grab a drink with a friend to reminisce the good old days. As partners, for you to have a successful relationship, you should respect your spouse feeling. Do not try to put an end to your partner’s friendship with other people.

8: Be prepared for ups and downs

There is a saying that a smooth sea would never make a good sailor, same in relationships, there will always be tough times. Be ready for it, and learn to deal with it.

It’s important to recognize that there are ups and downs in every relationship. You won’t always be on the same page. Sometimes one partner may be struggling with an issue that stresses them, such as the death of a close family member. Other events, like job loss or severe health problems, can affect both partners and make it difficult to relate to each other. You might have different ideas of managing finances or raising children. Different people cope with stress differently, and misunderstandings can rapidly turn to frustration and anger.

Don’t take out your problems on your partner. Life stresses can make us short tempered. If you are coping with a lot of stress, it might seem easier to vent with your partner, and even feel safer to snap at them. Fighting like this might initially feel like a release, but it slowly poisons your relationship. Find other healthier ways to manage your stress, anger, and frustration.

Trying to force a solution can cause even more problems. Every person works through problems and issues in their own way. Remember that you’re a team. Continuing to move forward together can get you through the rough spots.

Look back to the early stages of your relationship. Share the moments that brought the two of you together, examine the point at which you began to drift apart, and resolve how you can work together to rekindle that falling in love experience.

Be open to change. Change is inevitable in life, and it will happen whether you go with it or fight it. Flexibility is essential to adapt to the change that is always taking place in any relationship, and it allows you to grow together through both the good times and the bad.

If you need outside help for your relationship, reach out together. Sometimes problems in a relationship can seem too complex or overwhelming for you to handle as a couple. Couples therapy or talking together with a trusted friend or religious figure can help.

9. Respect

Never hurt each other by using unkind words. Learn to be patient. You can never fall in love in an instant and expect it to last. A successful relationship requires loads of practice and patience. You need to understand that the pendulum will swing as it is not always about milk and honey in a relationship. But when that time comes, application of the 10 tips mentioned above will help you stay strong and above waters.

According to Dr. Tina Tessina (Ph.D.), author of Money, S-e-x, and Kids; the most important element of making a relationship work is team work. Avoid playing tug of war with each other as it won’t get you anywhere. Like the acronyms that say “United we stand, divided we fall. “You can accomplish anything as partners. Take for example the passion in supporting your team in sports. All of that delight, enthusiasm, joy, friends, etc. You exhibit for the good team. Why not bring a little of that spirit to your relationship and see it soar successfully like the eagle. Always remember that mistakes happen as nobody is perfect. It is better to clear the air lest a small mistake yields a big argument.

10. Be yourself

Finally, it’s much easier and more fun to be authentic than to pretend to be someone else or something your are not. Healthy relationships are made of real people.

The End!

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