Having Memory Loss? 5 Easy ways to improve your brain memory

Having Memory Loss? 5 Easy ways to improve your brain memory
Having Memory Loss? 5 Easy ways to improve your brain memory
Having Memory Loss? 5 Easy ways to improve your brain memory

How to increase memory

of course, there are several ways to work on memory through this article, We will discuss the 5 most common ways for us to help you strengthen our memory

Ways to improve memory


Practicing physical activity is the best way to keep your brain alert. To preserve our gray matter, we must maintain our physical form and our aerobic capacity. Let’s not be afraid to sweat! Exercise increases blood flow to the brain and improves its functioning. It would also reduce the risk of dementia and delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Let’s think about it the next time we want to skip the gym

Increase your knowledge

Staying intellectually active would also be a good way to delay the onset of neurodegenerative diseases. Going back to school, learning Spanish or Italian, learning to play a musical instrument or taking dance lessons are all opportunities to work on our memory or acquire new skills! There are also many brain training apps, including Lumosity, Peak, and Memorado. We can also opt for crosswords, sudoku, puzzles, bridge

Have an active social life

Maintaining social ties helps us keep our brains in shape. Hanging up from your computer or mobile phone is therefore beneficial for your memory. Social interactions with loved ones effectively stimulate cognitive abilities. When we have a conversation, memory is activated, emotions arise, brain activity starts. Let’s spend time with family, with our friends, volunteer, go out and stay open to new experiences

Reduce stress

Yes, we know: easier said than done! The effects of stress on learning and memory are bad, however. Fear and anxiety, for example, disturb our judgment and prevent us from thinking well. Numerous studies in neuroscience also show that exposure to chronic stress can atrophy the hippocampus, the seat of memory and emotions. Learning to control these, through meditation or cardiac coherence, among others, would reduce memory loss.

Sleep well

Several studies have demonstrated the importance of sleep so that our brain can consolidate new learning while neurons organize and classify the information received during the day. Seven to eight hours of sleep are required for optimal brain function. But however much we develop our memory, we will not get the expected results if we do not have a good sleep! Removing the stimulants (coffee, tea, alcohol) after 5 p.m., going to bed and getting up at regular times, avoiding watching TV or our tablet before going to bed, all of which can help us improve our sleep.

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